Te Rito helps people learn to grow
food and plants of various kinds and acquire an income in a sustainable way. To empower people with the skills, knowledge and the confidence to “go forward” into
a career in the horticultural sector. We provide our service to those with a real desire to learn and improve themselves particularly those with barriers to acquiring
meaningful employment.
We teach the art of growing NZ native plants as well as organic food gardens sustainably. Teaching basic woodworking skills
and producing products from sustainably sought timber. This is available to those willing to volunteer their time in the gardens. We use a guided, practical
teaching philosophy with a focus on “hands on” learning.
Eco-systems, planting native plants to create shelter and habitats for beneficial microorganisms, insects, birds and lizards. Propagating the
appropriate native plants for them to survive in our urban areas. We have created a large collection of eco-sourced native plants suitable for restorative plantings in the Porirua catchment. These are made available to local bodies, schools, community groups and the public.